Archive for the ‘Thomson-Shore’ Category

The sweet smell of books . . .

Monday, July 11th, 2011

I came across this really neat art project in New York magazine and thought that people who read this BLOG or spend time with Thomson-Shore would get a kick out of it. What a fun idea! Read the comments as those are as entertaining as the “smelling of the books” You can’t do this [...]

So many books . . . so little time.

Friday, January 28th, 2011

So many books… so little time. I ordered another book this morning. I didn’t need it as I have stacks of them waiting to be consumed at home. This one jumped out at me as a story I would love to read. Much like the others it will arrive, I will inspect it for workmanship… [...]

End of Days for Bookstores?

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Just as I was preparing to crawl out of the warm cocoon of my car into the 11 degree Ann Arbor morning today I heard NPR mention their upcoming series on the future of the book which was about to begin in 1 minute… I took the opportunity to stay warm for a bit longer [...]

Books as Sport

Monday, December 6th, 2010

We had our first basketball game of the season last night. Thomson-Shore has played in the local Ann Arbor league for years and although we play with all our heart, we often come up short on the score board. Everyone loves to win but to be honest we have a blast even when we loose. [...]

What is a bookophile?

Monday, November 29th, 2010

We really are blessed to work in the book publishing industry. The people in this industry and to be specific in the book segment of printing and publishing are such fun. We work with amazing authors and publishers who are always so sincere and pleasant. We have the benefit of working with personalities so diverse [...]

Print Making a Comeback?

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

Is it just me or are you hearing people talk about print in a new way? I had to laugh to myself over the weekend when I was at a dinner party and overheard two “super hip” Marketing Managers talk about print as if it were the new “killer app”! “Print is coming back in [...]