Spine Bulk Program
Figures spine bulks, but also prints cover, jacket, and cloth cover diagrams
from your Windows 95, 98 or NT computer. This latest version no longer supports
Windows 3.1. It also will not run on a Macintosh without Windows
Current Version 3.6C 2/11/00
By entering the page count, selecting a stock from a list of stocks, and picking a trim
size, this program will give you a wealth of information about your book. It can tell you:
- Spine Bulk Width
- Jacket Spine Width
- Sewn w/ glue on Cover Width
- Spine Strip for Case bound books
- BackSpace for Case bound books
- Maximum Spine Strip Width
You can also print:
- Cover Diagram
- Jacket Diagram
- Cloth Cover Diagram
with standard measurements already in place. It will also accept custom trim sizes, and
allows you to change the default settings for figures like flap size and jacket wrap.
If you are using this program for live jobs, please register with us! We need to be
able to contact you if there are any major changes to the program or stock lists.
Register for Spine Bulk 3.6
Download the following file:
spbulk36.exe (about 1.5 meg)
This is a self-extracting archive and includes a complete setup
program. After downloading, run the executable to install Spine Bulk on your