FTP Guidelines

Often we use FTP sites to transfer large files from our customers. Download the guide or read the instructions below for using FTP sites.
- We have a secure FTP server that can be accessed using a third party FTP program. FTP programs can be downloaded from www.tucows.com. Select the platform you’re on and then search for FTP to find a program. Contact your Customer Care Representative to get your Login ID and Password. You will need this Login ID and Password to access the FTP server or to login to our website.
- Using an FTP program is the most stable and fastest way to send or receive files. Our FTP site address is ftp.tshore.com. Follow the instructions for the FTP program that you are using. Login using your user ID and Password. If you have trouble logging in, try to toggle the Passive Mode setting on/off. If you’re using this method, skip step 3 and move on to step 4.
- The other way to access our FTP site is through our website at www.thomsonshore.com. This method has limitations and is much slower. This will work best with file sizes that are 20MB or less. Click on the Login button on the main page. This will bring you to the customer login screen. Type in your Login ID (Customer Code) and Password. Click on Submit.You should now be in the Customer Homepage screen. This is your private homepage where you can access information about your jobs. Click on Upload/View Files to access the FTP site.You should now be in the Customer FTP Files screen. Any files you have on our server will show in the file directory. To download a file in your directory, just click on it. To upload a file click on the Upload a New File Here link. This will take you to the file upload page. Click on the Browse link and navigate to the file on your hard drive. Click on the file you want to upload and click Open. This will add it to the list. Add any other files and click Upload.
- Before uploading, please name your files with the book title and/or quote number. Do not use spaces in the file name; replace these with underscores. Do not use any of the following characters when naming your files... / : * ? “ ” < > & +
- You should also ZIP or Stuff your files using a Mac or Windows compression program. Stuffit for the Mac and WinZip for the PC are two popular programs. Do not compress Mac files on a Windows computer. Do not transfer unstuffed Mac files across a Windows network. These actions will corrupt the Mac files and render them unusable. In order to process your job efficiently, please provide your CSR with the following information: File names as they appear on the server.
Details about the job: customer name, trim size, number of pages, quantity, etc.
The type of files you supplied. (PDF or Application)
Please contact your CSR within 5 days of the upload. Thomson-Shore erases old files from the FTP site to ensure server space is available.
If your having technical problems, please contact our Technical Support staff Monday-Friday between the hours of 8am-4pm Eastern Standard Time.