Welcome to Thomson-Shore!

Case and perfect binding
Layout and design
Editorial review
ISBN acquisition
E-Book conversion
Marketing of your book
Full service Trade distribution and fulfillment
At Thomson-Shore, we know that producing, distributing, and marketing the best books requires more than just the best technologies; it requires the best quality customer service, expertise and commitment to environmental and social values. With these standards of excellence, you can be sure that we will always help you put your best book forward.
Thomson-Shore's Family of Service Includes:
Bessenberg Bindery
As our in-house custom hand bindery, Bessenberg Bindery offers one-of-a-kind bindings for special editions, book repairs, specialty bindings for libraries, dissertations, periodicals, and more. These services are great for custom author editions, special binding requirements, or high quality short-run case binding.
Book Publishing Services
Thomson-Shore provides publishing services for publishers and authors. We move titles from first draft to final edition by providing content editorial services , cover and text design, ISBN management, metadata structuring, eBook conversions, print ready file prep, and ancillary services that support the author or small publisher’s needs. If you are an author who doesn’t want to give up all of your rights, Thomson-Shore Publishing Service will train you to think like a publisher. With our Ghost Publishing™ service, we act as your publishing staff by producing a gorgeous book, and making it stand out in its niche market.
Seattle Book Company (SBC)
As Thomson-Shore’s full service distribution company, SBC helps publishers and authors distribute their titles to major online and brick & mortar retailers, libraries and schools, and other book selling point-of-purchase locations. Services include metadata management, marketing and promotion, distribution to key retailers and wholesalers, and a full suite of warehousing and fulfillment services designed to meet your needs, including a robust POD program. Additionally, SBC has a full-scale retail website where we process orders for printing, distribution, and fulfillment.